
by Shawn Ritchey. This article is also featured on OneAccord blog: Previously I’ve shared the idea that presenting or speaking is similar to tires in that both can become over-inflated or under-inflated frequently causing a negative outcome.  I view over-inflation, when relating to speaking,...

by Shawn Ritchey This article is also featured on OneAccord blog: This is my second post when considering Presentations as similar to tires – both can become over-inflated or under-inflated with negative outcomes.  My first post addressed K.I.S.S. as an example of over-inflating when...

By Shawn Ritchey Hi, my name is Shawn Ritchey with Shawn Ritchey L.I.V.E. As an Educator and Storyteller, I yearn to communicate clearly with the hope of equipping or inspiring others.  But I am keenly aware of what George Bernard Shaw said, “The problem with...